How sport enhance your personality.

How sports enhance your personality

Hey buddy, Today  I will explain about the science of sports. How sports helps in enhancing our personality. 

When you hear this word the first thought which come in your mind is - A great Source of entertainment- Or we also considered it as embracing fun/joy.
       Generally you already know that- Sports is good for health- it keeps us physically, socially as well as Mentally fit. 
    But here I gonna tell you that how it enhance our personality. 
      There is no doubt that how sports can help us to lead a much more disciplined way of life. 
Such as, It teaches as that
• Stay patient and stronger. 
• Never lose hope. 
• Co-operare, Co-ordinate and tractful leadership. 
•Punctuality, Disciplined
•It increases our self esteem. 
•Steeping outside the comfort Zone. 
•Boost all confidence. 
• Deals with success and failure with positive spirit. 

       (1)  Let go character

Sports help you shape up a character that give importance to all necessary thing in life without letting you-"Will do it later attitude. "
    Because this kind of attitude is nither belongs to any successful sports person's Character. 

(2)  How sports affect your personality. 


Sports require discipline, assertiveness, and the ability to work as a team and Willegness to compete without fear of failure. 
 These positive characteristics traits help you in your workplace as well as in your interpersonal relationship. 
         Slowly you learn to handle pressure and perform well under any given circumstances. 
   It makes to diy deep into the innermost reserves of your resources to pull out extraordinary performance which needed. 

(3)  Social skills

Sports help you develop good skills that is it enable you learn how to relate with people. 
This is because playing sports require cooperating, Coordinating with someone else, playing fair and having fun with other while at the same time pursing a common goal. 

(4)  Sympathy and Empathy

Playing a sports instills Empathy beside sympathy. 

  It gives a realisation of Kindness, Peace, Prosperity and Happiness, you become caring and encourage love for each other thus ignoring hatred and business. 

(5)  Staying Calm in tense situation

Now a days lot of people seen Like they have a good personality until you see the in an emergency or tensed situation. Then, they lose their cool. 
     But by moving outside and having fun in the form of playing any sports will help you to feel relaxed and calm in tensed situation. 
    Written By:- Priyanshu kumar

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